A nursing student, who trespassed and fell asleep in a stranger’s home while high on meth, has been given a second chance.
Last week the 23-year-old student pleaded guilty in Mackay Magistrates Court to charges in relation to the incident on March 1.
The court heard she had been found unresponsive by residents of a Bucasia address, lying on a bed in their front sunroom. Five clip-sealed bags, a small yellow drinking straw and a used pipe had been found in a sunglasses case in her handbag, the court was told.
Prosecutor Sheena Hayes told the court that the Mackay-based student had admitted to smoking meth earlier that day and had been placed under arrest for trespassing.


The defendant said she used the yellow drinking straw to scoop the meth out of the clip-sealed bag and place it into the pipe.

Read the full story at TheDailyMercury.com.au here.