Properties contaminated from former meth labs are popping up all across Australia. The chemical residues left behind are toxic and can lead to serious long lasting health effects and even death. Meth Lab Cleaners Australia are national leaders in providing post lab testing and meth lab cleaning services throughout Australia. Our team of meth lab cleaning technicians are available to discuss any meth lab testing and clean up services you may require.
Meth Lab Cleaning
As the number of meth labs found across Australia, particularly Queensland, rises, so too does the need to experienced, trained and professional Meth Lab Decontamination experts. Meth Lab Cleaners Australia offer a holistic and stringent service to assist in the clean up and remediation of any property affected by a meth lab.
Meth Lab Testing
Meth Lab Cleaners Australia provide property owners both a pre and post meth lab forensic testing results. Pre forensic testing can significantly reduce costs associated in the remediation process by singling out contaminated areas only and the automatic discarding of any furnishings or materials too contaminated to be cleaned.
Meth Lab Remediation Process
The first and most vital step of a Meth lab Remediation Process is to contact licensed, professional and qualified decontamination contractors such as Meth Lab Cleaners Australia. Our team of trained experts have hazardous materials training and know how to properly evaluate and decontaminate meth labs.
Meth Lab Cleanup Costs
The Drug Lab Clean Up costs are complex and will vary greatly dependent on the property size, nature and extent of decontamination required, the type of materials and method of manufacture. Meth Lab clean up cost will start at around $5,000 if contained but can easily reach $40,000 for a large home.
DIY Meth Testing Kits
Methamphetamine does not have a distinctive colour or odour. Increasingly, the only way to detect residue of meth manufacture is chemical testing. Home test kits are available that identify a full range of drug residue. Meth Lab Cleaners Australia offer an inexpensive, on the spot test for meth residue.
Signs of a Potential Meth Lab
Making or cooking methamphetamine requires minimal training and experience and limited amounts of equipment and chemicals, both of which are relatively inexpensive. Meth Labs can be found in almost any location, from houses, apartments, cars, rental storage units and motorhomes.
Warning Signs of Meth Use
Crystal meth is an extremely addicting drug, and has been known as one of the most dangerous street drugs due to its tendency to induce violent behaviour and its long-lasting effects. Signs of crystal meth use vary from person to person, depending upon body mass, route of administration, and dosage.
Effects of Meth
Crystal Meth is a highly addictive and dangerous man-made stimulate that effects the user mentally and physically. Meth affects almost every part of the users body, including kidneys, lungs, brain, heart, liver, digestive system and teeth.
Withdrawal Symptoms of Meth
With consistent drug abuse, users develop a tolerance, having to increase the amounts used or increase their frequency of use. When using stops, abusers experience intense cravings, inevitably leading them to the next high.
Meth Addiction
Methamphetamine, or meth, is an illegal and highly addictive drug. It is a dangerous and potent man-made chemical and, as with all drugs, a poison that first acts as a stimulant but then begins to systematically destroy the body.
Drug Lab Statistics
According the Australian Crime Commission 2013, the growth in meth lab detections in Australia, particularly Queensland and Western Australia is significantly higher than past years.

Contact – Meth Lab Cleaners Australia
As the number of meth labs found across Australia, particularly Queensland, rises, so too does the need to experienced, trained and professional Meth Lab Decontamination experts. Meth Lab Cleaners Australia offer a holistic and stringent service to assist in the clean up and remediation of any property affected by a meth lab.
Meth Remediation and decontamination Cleaning by Australia’s original decontamination cleanup businesses. Providing Meth Lab Clean up services in Sydney | Melbourne | Brisbane | Adelaide | Perth | Canberra | Darwin | Hobart | Cairns | Toowoomba | Gold Coast | Sunshine Coast & Townsville.
Our team also travels to rural areas when required. Meth Testing Kits For Sale – Australia-wide Delivery. Contact Meth Lab Cleaners Australia on 0461 666 111 to order. Perfect for testing rental properties & During a Pre-purchase Inspection to make sure your’e not buying a contaminated meth house. The Meth Test Kits can also be used to test your kids bedrooms or car for Meth Residue.
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