With meth use double the nations average, meth residue testing in homes is a prudent decision for any investor, homebuyer or renter in Perth and Western Australia. So bad is the rate of the illicit drugs’ use in Western Australia, wastewater testing has revealed roughly two tonnes of the drug is consumed each year.
Meth Testing in Perth
Perth Meth Testing plays an important role in the purchasing and leasing of a property. The dangers of purchasing, renting or living in a property contaminated by meth residue can have harmful effects not only on your health but also your financial position. Providing our meth testing services to all homeowners, real estate agents, government agencies and investors, Perth Meth Testing assists our clients in all aspects of meth testing.
Perth Meth Testing Services
In the 2015-16 period, over 40 clandestine meth labs were detected and seized by Western Australian police. However, studies indicate only 10% of all meth labs are being found. Alarmingly, meth residue contaminated properties are just as likely, if not more likely, to be caused by occasional and habitual meth use. These figures indicate just how alarming and prevalent meth residue contamination is in Western Australia. As a result, testing your property for meth residue contamination in Perth before purchasing, leasing or renting has never been more important.
DIY Meth Test Kits Perth
A DIY Meth Testing Kit is a simple, easy-to-use and affordable solution for meth residue detection in Perth properties. Saving our clients time and money, a DIY Meth Testing Kit provides a discrete and fast positive or negative result to ensure their rental, investment or home is safe and free from meth contamination.
Expert Meth Testing Perth
Damning research has uncovered just how prevalent meth use and thus, meth residue contamination is across Perth and Western Australia. If you are planning to buy or rent a property and suspect it has been contaminated by meth residue, there are several testing and assessment options available. Composite Meth Testing Perth is where samples from up to 10 rooms are analysed together, giving the client an accurate reading of the theoretical contamination level for all areas of the property, not just a positive or negative result. Discrete Forensic Meth Testing is ideal for anyone wanting to look at room by room testing to get a profile of the spread of meth contamination. Discrete Laboratory Testing allows clients make an informed decision on the best next step ensuring un-necessary costs are not spent in remediation
I am glad that you explain why meth testing is so important when purchasing and leasing a property. My husband and I are wanting to buy a new home, but we are a little nervous about what may have happened there before. I think we should look into having someone do a meth residue test so we can have more peace of mind.