One of the most captivating and addictive series in recent years, Breaking Bad is a saga of a tale, story of high school chemistry teacher cum chemistry genius Waler White ne Heisenberg and Jesse Pinkman, his past student turned partner literally in crime. But in terms of realistic credibility, is real life reflecting art? Or is it the other way around? Are there really Walter White/ Heisenberg innovators kicking around? Do super-labs exist? Does purity count? Does laundering happen?
Super Labs – are they a ‘thing’?
One of the most striking and impressive elements of seasons 3 and 4 of Breaking Bad are the super labs Walt and Jesse use to practice their science. Jam-packed full of petri dishes, strainers, glass chemistry equipment and high cleanliness standards. Think it’s much too grandiose for the real world of methamphetamine production? WBreaking bad Meth Lab Cleaners Australiarong, actually. Law enforcement and experts say super labs do exists, and are in fact, pretty common. In 2002 the Mexican Sinoloa cartel saw meth was the next ‘big thing’ and started to actively pursue the market by creating these super labs.
Learn more about the warning signs of a meth lab…
The Product – does purity real count?
Walter White and Jesse flooded the Breaking Bad market with methamphetamine renowned for its distinct blue colour, and high quality. At 99% pure, the chemistry wiz figured ‘when it’s good, they buy’. In real life, it goes both ways. The more pure the product, the higher a price you can charge for it, and the more profit you can make off it.
Learn more about the effects of meth…
Does laundering happen?
In Season 4, Walt and his wife buy a car wash to launder the money made from the drug trade but would cartels and methamphetamine cooks or dealers go to such extreme efforts to clean the drug money? The highest tier of cartels certainly would, and do. Between restaurants or bars, and any business that has a high cash turnover, there are certainly many legitimate businesses that can be used to launder drug money.
All being said, has Breaking Bad glamorised drug use and the methamphetamine trade in Australia? NSW police say yes. Judging by the increase in meth use and methamphetamine drug lab busts and seizures in Australia, there is no end in sight to the insidious and devastating problem. Methamphetamine is a highly addictive drug. The health and metal health issues associated with meth use are simply devastating. It may be romanticised on the screen in Breaking Bad, but in real life, the side effects of use, social effects and heartbreak meth addiction can have on the user and their family and friends and long term risks associated with a meth house cannot be ignored.
If you’ve seen anything unusual, heard anything unusual or suspect a meth lab is present near you, contact Crime Stoppers or local police.
If you suspect you home had previously been used to cook meth, contact Meth Lab Cleaners Australia for a confidential and obligation-free chat. We’re here to help you 24/7 is this trying time.